Additional Scripts

This section covers additional scripts that complement the functionality of the system nodes, enhancing the robot’s navigation and data processing capabilities.

Bug Algorithm Script (

Description: Manages the robot’s navigation and obstacle avoidance, subscribing to ‘/odom’ for odometry data and ‘/scan’ for laser scan data.

Key Features:

  • Navigation and obstacle avoidance

  • Subscribing to odometry and laser scan data


rosrun assignment_2_2023

Go-to-Point Service (

Description: Enables the robot to autonomously navigate to specified target locations, listening to odometry data to determine its current position and orientation.

Key Features:

  • Autonomous navigation to target locations

  • Listening to odometry data


rosrun assignment_2_2023

Wall Following Service (

Description: Equips the robot with wall-following capabilities, processing laser scan data to navigate around obstacles.

Key Features:

  • Wall-following navigation

  • Processing laser scan data


rosrun assignment_2_2023